

Namibia is a former German colony, which has been an independent republic since 1990. It is a vast country- about 3 times the size of the UK, with a population of just over 2 million. Its core exports are diamonds, gold, copper, uranium, copper, lead, zinc, processed fish and cattle. Flying into Windhoek, the capital, we will be spending most of our time in the desert away from civilisation- though do pass near the indigenous Himba territory and past some fascinating rock art left over the landscape thousands of years ago.

There is plenty of further information about Namibia online – and for a taster of what to expect when climbing the Brandberg, here’s a great piece from National Geographic.

It’s also well worth reading blogs from previous trips here– and speaking to the IN NAM Ambassadors who have agreed to mentor you through your training journey.



The days will be simple – structured by covering vast distances, avoiding the worst of the heat, regularly resting and refuelling, and celebrating at the end of each day with endorphins, cold beverages and good company. The average day will go something like this:

  • Wake yourself up from 5am
  • Breakfast @ 5.30am
  • Depart promptly @ 6am
  • Run intervals
  • Ride intervals
  • Hike intervals
  • Lunch @ noonish
  • Sunset and dinner from 6pm


  • It goes without saying but with high temperatures and long distances being covered, the days will be long in Namibia!
  • You will have little appetite at times, but you will always have to keep on top of nutrition and fluids.
  • While running in Namibia you will stop roughly every 7km – in these short breaks, snacks are provided and you are encouraged to refuel. Therefore, as preparation for the event please try and get used to taking small snacks in your training.

Examples of some of the many snacks/food available include:

  • Energy and electrolyte products from Power Bar (to eat or place in your drinks bottles with water)
  • Nut bars, fruit sticks, bananas, apples, sugar snacks, salty nuts, eggs, etc.
  • Coke, water and sport drinks
  • We try to provide more natural products but on the big days you need carbs, in whatever form you can get it in!
  • Basically all you get (and often more) than you would find at a well-organised Marathon race
  • Lunch breaks – bread, cheese, meats, salads, pasta – cold buffet style
  • There will also be an evening meal where we will have food prepared by the chef consisting of meat, salad, carbs etc.

If you like or require specific snacks that you’re used to taking, please feel free to bring this with you.